Monday, 15 July 2013

Another shelf in my garden shed

"The trouble with gardening is that is does not remain an avocation. It becomes an obsession."
-- Phyllis McGinley

Tools lined up in satisfying rows, scissors and twine within arm’s reach, a sink just for arranging flowers—the potting area ranks up there with the mudroom and flower room as the ultimate country fantasy. Don’t think you have space for one? You may want to think again.

My potting shed consists of an old carport, walled on two sides, with shelves on the walls and a couple of old tables and benches to make life comfortable. Wheelbarrows, hats, watering cans, terracotta pots and all sorts of paraphernalia to use in the garden is stored here. All you need is a little corner, partially protected from the elements, and Bob's your uncle!


But, as you can see, my potting shed changes with the seasons. At the moment I have about 20 bales of grass (for the chicken coop) stored in there and half of Solly's chickens have moved in, so I daren't even take a picture!
