Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Eggs-traordinary ways with eggs

What's more perfect than an egg? These versatile packages of goodness are the magic ingredient in the kitchen.


 • Fry eggs in a little good quality olive oil for a different taste sensation

 • Chop a few green olives and fresh dill into scrambled eggs for a great taste and texture comibination

 • To make tartar sauce, stir chopped Italian parsley, spring onions, gherkins, hard-boiled eggs and capers into home-made mayonnaise

 • Simmer hard-boiled eggs in a little green curry paste and add coconut milk. Serve with fragrant rice.

 • Fry some onions in butter and balsamic vinegar until slightly caramelised. Use as a filling for omelettes.

 • Heat cream in a pan with chopped chives and garlic and cool. Break an egg each in small ovenproof dishes. Pour over the cream and bake for 6 minutes at 180 degrees C.

 • A pinch of nutmeg makes delicious scrambled eggs

 • Fry some drained butter beans and sliced chorizo before pouring on your eggs for a great omelette.

 • Add a dollop of wholegrain mustard to creamy scrambled eggs and serve with hot, buttered toast.

 • Next time you fancy egg on toast, pop a cookie cutter into a nonstick frying pan. Heat up and gently creack an egg inside. Cook over low heat until just right.

 • For Spanish picnic eggs, shell 4 large boiled eggs and sprinkle with smoked paprika. Slice the chorizo in diagonal slices and serve with the boiled eggs, black olive pesto and breadsticks.

 • Make the best-ever egg roll by mixing 1/3 cup of mayonnaise with 4 hard-boiled eggs, grated, and spoon onto a buttered fresh roll with some rocket. Top with a dollop of mango chutney

Info from Woolworths TasteMag
