Look at anyone’s hands and you can usually gauge their true age. So why is it that while you can have some success in holding back the years on your face when it comes to hands it is a much harder task?
‘The skin ages faster on the hands because they are exposed daily to chemicals, smoke and, most importantly, UV radiation,’ explains Nina Goad from the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD).
For women, the changes are exacerbated by the fact that levels of oestrogen, the hormone that stimulates collagen production, so helping to keep skin on hands plump and fleshy, start to drop around the time of the menopause.
Develop a good routine and give your hands a helping hand. Good moisturisers can help prevent or treat dry skin on your hands. They
hold that needed water in the outer layer of skin, making your hands
smoother and softer. They also help your outer skin act as a temporary
protective shield.
Always wear garden gloves to protect your
nails and hands. I know nothing quite beats the feel of
freshly turned earth between your fingers, but wearing gloves out in the garden
really makes a lot of sense. Not only can they protect your lovingly-tended
nails, but can also prevent unsightly scratches, sore blisters and, as an added
bonus, protect your hands from the rays of the sun.