Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Green Tip #10 How to Cook Asparagus

Asparagus, one of my favourite vegetables and I just LOVE it with pasta! In fact, I love it with anything.

Asparagus is best when bought in season as they lose flavour and crispness within days after being harvested. 

If the ends are woody, cut or snap them off and gently peel the harder skin of each spear off using a vegetable peeler or sharp knife. 

Make bundles - as much as you can hold in a hand - and tie them together at the top and towards the bottom with some string or an elastic band. 

Steam the asparagus over boiling water for a couple of minutes - they will be done when you can easily stick a sharp knife into the woody ends. 

They should be firm, not floppy, and a bright green.
(From Woolworths "TasteMag")

Asparagus, raw or cooked, is OK to feed your chickens, but is not usually a favourite. 
