Saturday, 31 October 2015

The reason why I never visit rich people...

Q: "What would u like to drink? Fruit juice, soda, wine, tea, Milo, chocolate, or     coffee?"
A:  "Tea please."
Q:  "Ceylon tea, Five Roses, Earl Grey, herbal tea, bush tea, honey bush tea, ice tea or green tea?"
A:  "Five Roses please."
Q:  "How would u like it? Black or white?"
A:  "White please."
Q:  "Milk, whitener, or condensed milk?"
A:  "Milk please. "           Q:  "Goat milk, camel milk or cow milk?"
A:  "Cow milk please."
Q:  "Milk from Freezeland or Afrikaner cow?"
A:  "Umm .. I'll rather take it black please."
Q:  "Would you like it with sweetener, sugar or honey?"
A:  "With sugar please."
Q:  "Beet sugar or cane sugar?"
A:  "Cane sugar please."
Q:  "White, brown or yellow sugar?"
A:  "Just forget about the tea. I'll have a glass of water instead
Q:  "Mineral or still water ? "
A:  "Mineral water please."
Q:  "Flavoured or non-flavoured? Sparkling or still?"
A:  Fok, lossit net ... ek vrek liewer vannie dors!!!

Saturday, 24 October 2015


"If you think you have to get THIS in order to have THAT, then what you REALLY want is THAT, not THIS."

In other words, if you think you want a million dollars to buy a house, what you really want is a house and not the million dollars. So when you ask the Universe for something, be clear and specific about your request. And dream BIG. It is as easy to manifest a button as it is to manifest your biggest dream.

The basis of your life is Freedom; the purpose of your life is Joy.

You are free to choose to discover new avenues for your joy. In your joy you will grow; and in your growth you will add to the growth of All-That-Is. (However, you are also free to choose bondage or pain... but everything anyone chooses is only because they believe it will help them feel better.)


Saturday, 17 October 2015

Doors open

when you feel good about yourself

when you set yourself free

 when you start listening to yourself

doors open when you start living in the NOW.

(some of the door handles in my home)
