Saturday, 25 November 2023

The Moon is in Taurus

 Taurus Moon Personality Traits—

This Moon gives you an exceptionally strong emotional foundation and the ability to create a life that makes you (and others) feel safe. For you, creating a life of comfort and safety is a priority, as is surrounding yourself with beautiful things.

The earth talks. Especially on a Taurus moon. It’s up to you to find a spot that sings today. Walk barefoot. Carefully touch the leaves of your houseplants. And listen through your fingers. Taurus is the moon to regain your balance now. Inertia sometimes finds you on this moon. You can lose the thread to any new resolves. “Don’t worry about it,” says my moon-wise friend. “Spend time in your garden. Whatever seeds you plant will sit quietly for a bit, then come up robust and strong.” 

—The Moon in Taurus 25th November 2023–
