Thursday, 19 September 2013

Detox and renew

Detox and renew with these simple ingredients we all have at home

In the bad old days, saying that you've been detoxing would mean that you were having water, a few grapes and a headache on the side. But times have changed. Follow this simple regime and show the world the new you in just one week.


Declare one day every week detox day. Boost your mind, body and soul by eating only veggies and fruit and drinking boiled water. 

If this sounds too austere, try this deluxe version:

8am: Kickstart your day with a fruit smoothie

11am: Snack on rye bread with avo and lemon juice

1pm: Fill up with lightly steamed courgettes, baby cabbage, broccoli and a bowl of cooked wild brown rice

3pm: Have a cup of ginger and honey tea

6pm: Reward yourself with a glass of organic wine

7pm: Dine on delicious greens with slivers of smoked salmon, raw nuts and a generous helping of fat-free cottage cheese

This mask promotes a firmer, more youthful skin tone. It softens and smoothes the skin while enhancing poor circulation. 

Use once or twice a week. Increase the quantities and find a quiet, relaxing place and apply to entire body or parts of it. All the ingredients will wash out of your towel.

This recipe is enough for one application and can be stored in the fridge for 2 days.

You'll need: 1 peeled and mashed avocado, 10 ml olive oil, 1 tsp honey, blended together.

Sip on a green tea and apple ice cooler as you sit back and relax.


The scrub eliminates impurities and dead skin cells. It combats poor circulation and enhances cellular renewal. Immediately after the treatment you'll experience a feeling of well-being and alertness. It helps the body detox while enhancing the absorption of any products you use afterwards. 

Use once or twice a week on dry or damp skin. Rinse with warm water. It's a great exfoliating treatment before applying self-tanning product, but don't use over a freshly shaved or waxed area.

This recipe is enough for 2 applications and will expire in 4 weeks.

You'll need: 100 ml sea salt, 70 ml olive oil, 10 ml dried mint, blended well. 

This luxurious mask deep-cleanses the skin while nourishing and conditioning it, giving it a healthy glow. It combats poor circulation and enhances cellular renewal while restoring skin tone and promoting smooth, supple skin.

It has a rich moisturising effect on the skin, while promoting a feeling of well-being and balance.

Use once or twice a week. Apply to the entire body or just the parts you feel need a bit of pampering.

This recipe is enough for 1 application, and will keep for 4 days in the fridge.

You'll need:
1 cup finely sliced seaweed,
5 ml olive oil,
5 ml finely grated ginger,
mixed into a paste.

Harvest your seaweed from the ocean or find some at a health store or seafood market. You can also mix powdered kelp with salt/sea water.

Treat yourself to some detox iced lollies while the scrub works its magic.
