Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Green Tip #10 How to Cook Asparagus

Asparagus, one of my favourite vegetables and I just LOVE it with pasta! In fact, I love it with anything.

Asparagus is best when bought in season as they lose flavour and crispness within days after being harvested. 

If the ends are woody, cut or snap them off and gently peel the harder skin of each spear off using a vegetable peeler or sharp knife. 

Make bundles - as much as you can hold in a hand - and tie them together at the top and towards the bottom with some string or an elastic band. 

Steam the asparagus over boiling water for a couple of minutes - they will be done when you can easily stick a sharp knife into the woody ends. 

They should be firm, not floppy, and a bright green.
(From Woolworths "TasteMag")

Asparagus, raw or cooked, is OK to feed your chickens, but is not usually a favourite. 


Monday, 30 March 2015

Create peace again

"The simplified life is a sanctified life,
Much more calm, much less strife.
Oh, what wondrous truths are unveiled-
Projects succeed which had previously failed.
Oh, how beautiful life can be,
Beautiful simplicity."

I've decided to simplify some parts of my life (again!) this week. We often create such complication and attach ourselves to so much stuff that it is very difficult for our light to shine through. And of course, with so much complication and so much attachment, we keep telling ourselves we have no time to be still and no time to nourish the talents and creativity which we have been given.

Yet, within us, we still hear our inner voice calling us "go on ... take another step ...". Sometimes we respond within ourselves "I will ...I will ... when I've enough time or enough money or know enough people or when I'm good enough or ..." and so on. It comes down to one thing, one simple step - make a committed decision.

Once made, you begin to focus and the universe responds to help you. Ah, but you  don't know what decision to make? If that's the case, it's time to simplify and create space. In that quiet still space listen to your heart. Let your heart guide your way and trust the guidance you receive.

So, clear out the cupboard, the wardrobe, the shed, the computer, whatever - if you haven't used it or worn it for a year then give it to someone who will use it or wear it or chuck it out!

Make time and space for yourself - take a quiet moment and read that book, start doing your passions, take a walk in nature and feel peace entering your life once again.


Sunday, 8 March 2015

Simple living - what does it mean?

Is the measure of a simple life how small your home is? Whether or not you have a yard? Whether or not you have money?

Living a simple life doesn't mean giving up all or any of your luxuries. It doesn't mean you have to live like a pauper and not enjoy art, books and travel or living in a beautiful, big home. It doesn't mean living in a small, cramped space. It doesn't mean that, if you have money, you must give it all away in order to "live the simple life."

Living simply is a state of mind. To me living a simple life simply means not having UNNECESSARY, not-beautiful or not-useful stuff in my life. It means cutting out useless, time-consuming activities that serve no purpose.

It doesn't mean doing nothing. It could even mean taking on extra activities, like planting your own vegetable garden, free of hormones, insecticides and pesticides and reducing your carbon footprint on our planet. Living simply means living with purpose, on purpose and being passionate about life.

Any time that is not spent on loving what you're doing is waste


Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Craving greenery

For the longest while now I've been craving green, leafy food - green vegetables have always been my favourite above carrots, pumpkin, beetroot and most of the 'red' vegetables (the only thing I DON'T eat is green peppers!), so I'm always on the look-out for tasty ways to prepare the greenery. I love preparing simple and easy meals, nothing too elaborate for me, and I found this steamed green beans recipe at the Woolworths TasteMagsite. As it also has broccoli in it, it has turned out to be one of my favourites.
I know that cravings are a way of your body letting you know where to get some vitamin or mineral that it is lacking and leafy green veggies are full of vital nutrients like Beta Carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, B complex, Folic Acid, Iron, and Calcium. Seems like my body is missing a lot of vitamins...


Recipe by: Abigail Donnelly
Serves: 6 - 8
Dietary considerations: Low carb
Category:Vegetarian / Easy / Great value / Quick
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes

700 g green beans, trimmed
460 g tender broccoli stems
150 g salted butter
1 bunch sage, leaves picked
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Cooking instructions:
Cook the beans and broccoli in salted boiling water for 2 minutes, or until tender. Drain and refresh under running cold water. Set aside.
Place the butter in a frying pan over a medium heat and stir until melted. Add the sage leaves and gently cook for 3 to 4 minutes, until crispy. Add the beans, broccoli, sea salt and pepper, and toss to heat through.

Arrange on a plate and spoon over the sage butter to serve.
