Saturday, 7 November 2015
Even though it's winter
Even though it's winter and I'm not out in the garden much, I still think of my garden! Here are a few things I've been planning : sketching and drawing new little corners, moving pot plants around, rearranging all the succulents on the plant stands, trimming low-hanging branches of the trees to allow in more sunlight.
Thunder rumbled its way into the distance, and then the rain came, dropping words to the ground all around me.
Step outside after the first storm after a dry spell and it invariably hits you: the sweet, fresh, powerfully evocative smell of fresh rain! If you’ve ever noticed this mysterious scent and wondered what’s responsible for it, you’re not alone. It's called “petrichor.” It’s the name of an oil that’s released from Earth into the air before rain begins to fall. This heady smell of oncoming wet weather is something most people are familiar with – in fact, some scientists now suggest that humans inherited an affection for the smell from ancestors who relied on rainy weather for their survival.